Why us?
We are a supported living service based in Northamptonshire. A family owned organisation established in 2003, Consummate Care was set up by husband and wife team Ian and Jane Considine for the purpose of offering support to adults with a wide range of additional needs.
As a family owned organisation, every aspect of our service is approached from the viewpoint of what is best for the individual. We create supported living services 24 hours a day 7 days a week around each individual in their preferred environment. We provide support to meet personal aspirations, deliver meaningful outcomes and promote fulfilling, purposeful days.

How you live, where you live

24/7 Support
Safe, secure, 24 on call emergency respionse

Self help skills, money management’s, life skills

Person centred approach
Paths, assessment, care planning

Bespoke Support
Individual packages, risk assesement, individualised training, careful client/staff matching, client involved in recruitment, feedback, teem meetings, quality assurance

Maintaining family links
Restaurant meals, transportation, days out, visits to family and friends

Corporate appointeeship
Help you to manage your finances in a supportive, legal and formalised way

Development opportunities
Jobs, training, education

Our Mission
At Consummate Care we recognise and are passionate about the power of choice and control and it is our mission to provide needs-led support to meet the aspirations of adults with a learning disability who may also have additional needs such as autism, physical disabilities, complex behaviours, multi-sensory impairments and mental health difficulties.
In order to achieve positive outcomes, Consummate Care is committed to providing bespoke packages of support which enable individuals to live in their own homes, on their own terms without exception. With the assistance of the individual we recruit staff with the skills, competencies and personalities required to deliver innovative, caring and compassionate support.
We provide a holistic approach to care and support to ensure that each individual has every opportunity to develop within a range of safe and rewarding environments. We provide support in a number of ‘supported living’ settings, where people hold their own tenancy agreements and can live as independently as possible, either on their own or sharing with others, whilst being safe and well, achieving personal goals and enjoying an ordinary life in their chosen community. Individuals are encouraged to establish and maintain relationships, access learning, volunteering and employment opportunities, explore new experiences and be an active member of the communities in which they live.
We are committed to enabling personal growth now and in the future, giving individuals the strongest voice with regards decision making and lifestyle choices. Personalisation is at the very heart of everything we set out to achieve. Our customers’ needs, hopes, and aspirations are intertwined in all that we do, they inform our approaches, practices and policies. Equally, we value the input of families, carers and others with an interest in the individual’s well-being as we design personalised packages of support.
Consummate Care recognises and celebrates the uniqueness of every individual by ensuring a person centred approach is adopted so that people are living their best lives with exciting futures to look forward to.
Steps to supported living
How does it work?
1. Receive a referral
2. Meet the client and circle of support
3. Organise an assessment of needs
4. Plan a provisional support plan
5. Provide costings of how much the best level of care will cost
6. Advertise for the right staff
7. Train and induct staff to the individual and agree support plan
8. Manage and monitor the provision
9. Quality Assure the service provided